DJ Irene Purple

Irene is one of the first Yukons to appear in the first episode of the Yukons, 'A Celebration for the Future'. She is the owner of the club Starfire is seen cleaning, and hosts various parties there - including the Celebration for the Future Ceremony which celebrates the positive future ahead. DJ Irene, of course, has good intentions for everything she does, but the way she portrays her aspirations says otherwise. Irene, for most of the first episode, was trying to plan this celebration for positivity ahead by taking control of all operations, and not letting anybug else take the lead - which wouldn't be so bad if she was a good leader; Irene wasn't clear in any of her instructions, she created extra steps for her friends to take, and only realized this thanks to Caya, who was the first Yukon to speak up about this. In the end, Irene apologized learned to include everybug in her ideas, then allowed many Yukons to participate in creating the ceremony.

Basic Info


DJ Irene Purple.




Yukon City.

First Appearance

The Yukons - Season 1, Episode 1, A Celebration for the Future.



Eye Colour

Light blue.

Favourite Colour

Light blue.